Beaphar Fly Guard 75ml

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Regular price £12.99

Beaphar Fly Guard is a powerful and affordable veterinary medicine that contains ivermectin to prevent and treat blow fly strike in rabbits and guinea pigs. This easy-to-use spray provides up to three months of effective protection and each bottle can treat up to five medium-sized rabbits. Suitable for animals over 10 weeks old, fly strike is commonly caused by poor hutch hygiene and faeces attracting flies to lay eggs.

To ensure the full effectiveness of Beaphar Fly Guard, it is crucial to maintain good hygiene and remove any faeces from your pet before application.

Please note that blow fly strike is a serious matter and immediate veterinary attention is necessary if your pet is infested with maggots. Any delay could result in the death of your beloved pet.

Instructions for use

Prior to applying Beaphar Fly Guard, carefully weigh your rabbit or guinea pig and use the table provided to determine the appropriate dosage. To ensure maximum effectiveness, clean and dry your pet before spraying the product on their back and tail from a distance of about 15cm.

It is recommended to treat your pet before flies are seen, and to reapply every three months for continuous protection.

For proper results, remove any feces from your pet's bottom area before applying the spray.

Additionally, maintain hutch hygiene by replacing soiled bedding at least once a week and using a disinfectant during the summer months.